Friday, December 2, 2016

Mother, Did You Know?

The air is filled with the sweet smell of hot cocoa, peppermint mochas, and the sights of bundled up, red-nosed babies....Christmas season is here!

Among the hustle and bustle, Advent has begun. The anticipation of Christ. The desire to see all things made new. A God on a rescue mission to save the world from darkness and sin with His own son; a precious babe in a manger. Our Savior's story begins here.

Mary, Did You Know?
I have so many favorite Christmas songs. My absolute favorite song is "Mary, Did You Know". I can't hardly get through the song without shedding several tears. There are so many feels! The song, first and foremost, reminds me how humble Jesus was to come to us in the way that he did. Not a King, not floating down from heaven--a helpless, dependent little baby. I'm not sure there's much else that comes quite that close to extraordinary humility. Second, as a mother, I identify with this song in very deep places of my heart.

I can't imagine what it must have been like to be the mother of Jesus. To submit to such a holy calling of bringing God's Son into the world. Her faith was deeply anchored in God, despite her fears I'm sure.

Mother, Did You Know?
If you listen closely to the song, the lyrics ask if Mary knew of all the things Jesus would one day do. Did she realize the magnitude of what this little baby, whom she was holding and nourishing and caring for, was going to accomplish? His unconditional love wrapped in a universal and purposeful plan to save the entire world, including her? 

"Did you know that your Baby Boy 
has come to make you new?

This Child that you delivered 
will soon deliver you."


It brings me to my knees in my motherhood.

Mother, do you know? You also hold an amazing gift of a child. A child that has been entrusted to you. God has big plans for your little ones, despite how long and tiring the days may feel. Despite how incredibly unfit and inadequate we feel to be mothers. But God knows and sees you. There is no other more perfect to fill this role for your child(ren). Motherhood is a holy calling. Just like He called Mary. We must anchor ourselves in faith that God will do mighty things with and through our children.

Mother, do you know? That what you are doing today will impact many tomorrow. Your unconditional love and sacrifice is a glimpse into the sweetness of the Gospel. Be near to the Lord. Be near to your children.

One of my favorite verses from the Christmas story,
"But Mary treasured up all these things
in her heart and pondered them"
Luke 2:19

As a mother, I'm not sure how else I'd respond seeing the sovereign display of all things heavenly and earthly colliding in a simple stable over my new baby. The Great I Am had come. 

Your greatest gift is Jesus. Cling to Him and teach your children to do the same.

Peace and Joy to you mothers this season!
Merry Christmas!

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