Friday, August 5, 2016

A Letter For Kindergarten

Dear Emalyn,

It is the night before you go to kindergarten. I realize you are not going off to college. Thank goodness! But I can hardly believe it's here! I'm so proud of you. Looking at you today, I know you are more than ready! It would only be selfish of me to not let you go. I want you to spread your wings baby girl! It's time.

This will be your first experience in school. You have been with me EVERY DAY, ALL DAY for the past 5 years. I have loved every minute of it. I know we have our hard days, but you are blossoming into a beautiful young lady--inside and out! I have watched your heart grow with compassion for others and a love to share Jesus. I have watched your mind grow in knowledge and new experiences. I have watched you welcome 3 new siblings into our home in the last 5 years.

When I think about you moving onto your next adventure of Kindergarten, I am very excited for you! I know you will make plenty of new friends. You will be an enthusiastic learner and helper. You will care for those who are hurt or need help. You will bound out to the car every day when I come to pick you up with an overflowing excitement of all that you did. Your laughter and joy will be contagious to your classmates.

Emalyn, I'm going to miss you. I know it will only be 2.5 hours (praise The Lord for half day!), but I know this is the beginning of your years upon years in school. I'm thankful for this stepping stone of Kindergarten--but I am mostly excited for the world to see who you are! And for Christ's love to shine through you, as it already does!

Sometimes, I am nervous to think about what you might experience at school for the first time and I won't be there to talk you through it or comfort you. But that's ok. I know you are a big girl and will make good decisions no matter what others may think. I want to give you a few things to remember while you are in school--but really these things will be valuable to you no matter where you go in life.

Be a Friend. Take the time to make new friends. Be a friend to someone just like you, someone who is different than you and be a friend to someone who needs help. 

Kids Can Be Mean. It's ok. Do your best to walk away or get help if you need it. Your feelings may get hurt, but remember mean people are usually hurting inside too. Your identity is in Christ, not what other people say about you.

Love to Learn. Embrace learning. Soak it in. Knowledge is power. Find things you love and learn all about them.

Make Mistakes. It's ok to make mistakes, in fact, I give you permission and even encourage you to make mistakes. That is the best way to learn and the best way to succeed. 

Different is OK. Everyone is different and that's ok. Everyone does things differently than you. Everyone comes from different families. It is ok to learn, ask questions and accept different. It is never ok to hurt someone because they are different from you in any way.

Take Risks. In friendships, in learning new things and in life! Learn to take a leap of faith. You'll miss out on some incredible adventures without taking a risk.

Play. You need to play as often as you can! Use your imagination and creativity; in the classroom and at home.

Be Jesus. Love others as Jesus loves you. It may not always be fun or kids may not always understand but God sees you doing it and that's all that matters.

Pray. When you are happy and excited, tell Jesus! He loves to hear that from you. Pray also when you are hurt or need help or don't know what to do. He will guide you and give you what you need...always.

My sweet daughter. You are the love of my life and I am so honored to be your mom! Raising you is such a joy for me. I thank God every day for entrusting me with you. I am accountable to Him for you. Every day your father and I do our best to teach you, love you and raise you to be an amazing young woman who loves Jesus and others deeply. I know He will take care of you while you are away. You are going to move mountains! I cannot wait to see all the things you will accomplish!

Kendra, Benjamin, Caleb and I will be waiting in the car every day after school for you!

I love you,

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful letter, Lauren, and your support and advice to Emalyn are not just for kindergarten but for always (as you know!!).
    Love, Susan
