Thank goodness for my constant companion dripping and sizzling away on the counter providing a sweet, caffeinated aroma in the air that brings me to my senses! Mamas, I feel you. These mornings (er, every morning!) is TOUGH! There's not much gradual ease into our mornings when you're thrown right into the kitchen and the thrusts of life by VERY awake little people. Take heart that you CAN get out of the morning blues, that is, grieving your sweet covers and comfortable mattress that I'll wager you won't see again for another 16 hours; I know, it's better not to think about it, and get your day started off right. Get the kids their breakfast. Make yourself some delicious, soft or hard boiled eggs, smother those bagels with decadent cream cheese (because you'll burn it off anyways chasing the wee ones throughout the day!), or maybe whip up some quick French toast from the bread that's about to stale in the back of the fridge and your favorite mug of that sweet and robust medium roast companion that makes this morning even possible, and lastly your Bible. Sometimes two minutes may be all you have, but that is just enough time to drink in a verse or two.
"He who obeys instructions guards his life, but he who is contemptuous of his ways will die. He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done" Proverbs 19:16-17
I cannot tell you how many times my sitting down in the morning with my Bible sets me up for my day. My attitude towards my kids, my husband, my heart, my priorities and even my dreams. What I read, what I hear the Lord speaking to me through these passages wakes me up and allows me to shed my selfishness and really LIVE these moments, no matter what I thought my day would hold, it starts here. At the feet of my creator. And here's the thing, more often than not, what I am reading I either read aloud to my kids (because they're always super interested in EVERYTHING I do. Bless them) or I end up marinading over these sweet verses all day long and inevitably come upon an opportunity to show my kids what these verses mean and teach them (totally God, I know!).
So regardless of whether the kitchen is in disarray and it's just too darn early to keep both eyes open, take courage that this is right where you need to be. I hope you will see the Lord move in mysterious ways in the cool of the day when the sun rises, in the midst of crazy, early mornings.
And maybe, just maybe, you will be able to secure that afternoon power nap!
Praying for you mamas.
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