It was Saturday morning October 25th and we were on our way to daddy's football game. As we drove you began asking many spiritual questions. "Jesus died on the cross because He loves us right?" "That's right," we answered. You continued to talk about sin and ask us why we have sin. We told you exactly what the Bible says. We shared with you that we all have sin and we cannot escape our sin or get rid of it, only Jesus can. God is holy and is without sin and to be with him we too must be without sin. We continued to answer your questions. This was not rare for us to talk about these things, but I could tell your heart and mind were tracking together putting all these pieces into a framework. The conversation lasted about 10 minutes. Then we arrived at the football game.
Trusting Jesus
Later that afternoon our normal schedule resumed with naps and playing. I came into the bathroom to help you. Out of nowhere you asked, "Mom, why we do we get time outs and consequences?" So we talked about sin and then I shared the Gospel. I told you because of our sin, which is when we disobey, that we need to ask Jesus to forgive us. He's the only one who can help us get rid of our sin because of the cross and that he is alive! We need to pray and ask Jesus to forgive us and tell him we want to trust him and follow him. You didn't say anything. You hopped down and left. I finished up doing a few things in the bathroom and came out to find you standing in the living room praying. I sat quietly in the hallway. Your back was turned to me. You told Jesus you were sorry and asked for forgiveness. You asked Jesus to be faithful to you (yes you actually said the word faithful!) and that you wanted to follow him all of your days. I waited until you were done. You turned around, saw me, and ran over and said, "mom, I prayed asking Jesus to forgive me!". So we sat and talked about what you did and said for a few minutes; what it meant.
I have since been so thankful that I was able to witness your tender heart that moment! You pray often, but this seemed very different. I prayed that God would confirm to me that your heart was in the right place and that what you said was truly your own response to Christ. Though still young, I believe very much what Paul says in Romans 10:8-13 (...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved...) is possible even at this age. I pray this is only the beginning of your relationship with Jesus and that it will deepen as you grow.
Fruit of the Spirit
In Romans 7:4, Paul talks also about bearing fruit as a sign of true repentance. Emalyn, I have already seen fruit from your walk with God! You love to read the Bible, you love to pray and you have a very tender heart. One thing I have specifically noticed is your deep level of conviction. Daily, even several times a day, after disobedience, consequences and forgiveness has happened you will approach me a half hour or more later and apologize specifically for your disobedience. At first I thought it was isolated incidences, but I see now time and time again your heart of conviction runs deep and you are taking initiative to ask for true forgiveness. I always think I'll get used to this, but every time you do it I am truly blown away by your maturity and humility. I am humbled by you and challenged in my walk with Christ! I pray this strength of conviction stays with you as you get older. This conviction, I believe, will not only keep your heart tender but also grow a deep love for Christ and your understanding of what He has done for you through His grace and mercy.
The other fruit that I see as evidence from your trust in Jesus is telling others about Jesus. You have taken several moments to sit Kendra down and read your Bible with her. You have told her that Jesus loves her. This, my daughter, means so much to me to see you loving your sister in that way but also spreading the love of Jesus to others!
Trusting Jesus As A Mom
I am reminded often that it is these daily small moments that can mount to grand, eternal things. It might only take you two minutes to ask me a question that could change your life forever. I pray daily God gives me the wisdom and boldness in those moments to be there for you, pointing you to Christ. Your Dad encouraged me one summer with this verse when I was spending time at Young Life camp and it has always stuck with me: Isaiah 55:6 "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near." This is my prayer for you and for me as a mom. Every day I'm continually praying and seeking how to help you love Christ more and continue to establish your own relationship with him. I pray I would speak boldly of Christ at every turn in your life. Jesus will always know your heart better than I ever will, and for that I am thankful! He loves you and knows exactly what you need. I know that everything I teach you and show you about Jesus is not resting on my shoulders alone. Entrusting you to God is the hardest and most exciting thing I can ever do; it gives me incredible peace. Though I know you made this decision to trust Jesus, I pray that trusting him is a choice you make every day.
My sweet Emi, keep loving Jesus and loving others. I am praying for you always.