Well its been quite awhile...ehem, almost 6 months! My heart has been full of many things that I have wanted to share over the past several months but alas, all you mamas can identify with me when I say that the end of every day brings exhaustion and a desire to accomplish absoultely NOTHING on my ever growing to-do list. Can I get an Amen??!
But I have to say, I wouldn't have it any other way! The exhaustion I have at the end of the day is one I am grateful for. A tiredness that I have aquired from serving my family. Teaching my daughter new things, dancing and singing around the house, doing laundry, food prep and cleaning, discipline, riding bikes, playing at the park and answering many toddler questions. It is exhuasting, but if it weren't I guess I would wonder what I really was doing? Still, I do enjoy my relaxing moments with a cup of coffee (iced now that its oh so nice out!) and doing things that enrich my soul; spending time in the Word and writing.
As a family we are preparing for a new chapter in our lives. Joel is officially graduating Saturday with his BA in Education and Teaching! As well as we are preparing for the arrival of our new little girl, due July 22. Exciting times ahead! Among all the new changes and challenges ahead, as a mom I am mentally thinking about what our family will look like once our new little one arrives. I am anticipating the sweet, gentleness I believe Emalyn will have towards her sister (she LOVES babies!) and the sweet times I will have with both of them together at home. I am looking forward to pulling out all those darling girl clothes again...especially the ones that only got to be worn once or twice! I am excited to see Joel and I establish a new relationship with our newest daughter and see our little family grow.
I am thinking too about what it will be like to have an infant again. Late nights, early mornings, nursing around the clock, not having as much down time or "me" time as I may think I have now. Yes, the first year can be a physically draining/demanding year, but I think its also a very special one. I look forward to the early morning feedings when all is still. Quiet. Just me and the babe. Listening to the birds outside the window, knowing that the sun must be close to rising...and that the coffee pot is programmed for 5a! Ha!
The dependcy our little ones have the first year, reminds me of the dependency I wish I had on Christ...daily...hourly...even moment by moment. Our little babes cannot bear the thought of being away from us for even a moment! They KNOW when mom is not holding them. They KNOW when mom is in the room or even the house! They KNOW mom brings comfort, security, gentleness, protection and is life-sustaining. If my relationship with Christ operated this way, my life could not exist a moment away from Him. But I all too often find myself depending on everything else but Him, who can give me all those things. I am much more out of control, worrisome, stressed, fearful, anxious...and the list goes on when I don't cling to Him and desperatly desire His constant presence.
Luke 12:32-34 - "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no theif approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (ESV)
This passage has ministered to me in many ways. It feels as if Jesus is speaking to us as a parent, as our Heavenly Father would. He wants to give us the Kingdom! He wants to give us it all. Build our lives into Him, for Him and eternally and we do not need to fear. He will take care of us. Place our treasures in heaven, not here on this earth. We are His "little flock", His precious creation. Just like our children. Would we not want the same for our families? To make our little children have to depend on anything else but us to make it in this world? Of course not. We want them to trust us and for them to know that we will not fail them. We are here for them. To give and sustain life. Their needs are taken care of. They can focus on other, grander things. I pray I can do this in my life with Christ. To focus on the life He has for me outside of what I think it should be. Just as I hope I can provide for my children. A chance to see God for who He really is and to know that they needn't worry. Our ultimate parent, God our Father, will supply everything they need. And in the process give us more than our minds and hearts can fathom!
I pray we each see God in a new way today and treasure every moment!